Tuntinetti English user manual : Labour agreements

Salary calculation > Labour agreements

The following explains the features in the Labour agreement tab.

Labour agreements tab

The Labour agreements tab can be located in two different places, depending on the settings of Tuntinetti and the rights of the user. If Salary calculation -additional feature has been activated in Tuntinetti's paid features and the user has rights to Salary calculation, Labour agreements tab is located in the Salary calculation tab.

If Salary calculation -additional feature has not been activated in Tuntinetti's paid features or if the user doesn't have rights to Salary calculation, Labour agreements tab is located in the Basic settings.

Handling Labour agreements

Choose the labour agreement you wish to edit

  • Here you are able to select a labour agreement that you wish to edit. You can edit only the agreement versions of your own company if you have sufficient rights. Tuntinetti maintains public labour agreements' time-based extras that are a part of general increases but the personal time wages of employees the employer will maintain on his own. Information about selecting the right labour agreement for your employees can be found here: Employment contracts - Changing labour agreement.

The public labour agreement that is about to expire or has been expired will be updated automatically by Tuntinetti about 2-4 weeks after the update information is available, for example, on the website of the labour union. If you want a public labour agreement to be updated more quickly, you can submit a new labour agreement to Tuntinetti's customer service and ask for an update to that labour agreement.

If the service is missing a certain labour agreement or a calculation method, you can request an offer of a new method from Tuntinetti customer service. General labour agreements can be added by Tuntinetti customer service for free of charge. The time that takes to parameter new labour agreements is 1-2 weeks.

Create a new agreement

  • You are able to create new labour agreements if you have sufficient rights. It is a long process to create a new labour agreement. It is usually simpler to copy a similar labour agreement as a base and update its terms of agreement to match your needs. New agreements will only be available for your company.

Copy this as a base

  • You are able to copy an existing labour agreement as a base and save it as a new agreement with a new name if you have sufficient rights. New agreements will only be available for your company.

Labour agreement's name

  • A unique name of the labour agreement.

Labour agreement's labour unions

  • An information that contains the labour unions involved in the labour agreement. This can help you to find the association that represents the labour agreement and help you to find additional information about the agreement and its application regulations.

Labour agreement's expiration date

  • Labour agreement's expiration date sends a notification of expiration of the labour agreement. An labour agreement can be used after the expiration date but possible alterations should be checked from the union and be updated to the labour agreement. Then a new expiration date should be set to the labour agreement. The reference that contains information about latest negotiation results should be updated too. 

Work time settings

First day of week

  • The first day of the week is usually Monday. If work week starts in the night between Sunday and Monday (For example if the work week's first day is Monday and the new week's start time is "-2:00", the work week will change every Sunday night at 22:00.) it can be entered with a negative time value in the The work week start time offset.

The work week start time offset

  • The time that changes the work week. For example if the work week's first day is Monday and the new week's start time is "-2:00", the work week will change every Sunday night at 22:00. This setting has an effect in the calculation of week rest but it can have other effects as well (Check the section Labour agreements#The work week start time effects).

The work week start time effects

  • The work week start time effects affect in default only in the week rest calculation but it can be expanded to have an effect on overtime calculation and report focus to calendar dates.
  • The options:
  1. Notice work week start time effects on overtime, sunday and saturday compensation calculation. (Needs to have a negative start time of the week to work.)
  2. Notice work week start time effects on report edges. (Needs to have the first choice selected.). This means that worktime entries will be shown on the actual day in the time report. For example Sunday work 22-06 would be actually on Monday and overtime summaries would be on Monday. If you select the report's time period to end on Sunday, any overtime on Monday won't be shown.

Modified week start time has no effect on time based compensations.

Standard workdays per week

  • The system calculates standard workdays per week with this formula: standard work time x standard days per week. It is possible to set a deviant amount of work day or a standard amount of work hours in the employee's work contract.

Applicable worktime period

  • Applicable worktime period sets the period of the applicable worktime that will be used in the worktime settings.
  • In the actual workime calculation it is possible to have a different worktime period by setting a workshift cycle (that concerns the whole company, the employee's unit or employee's labour agreement) that has separately activated amount of weeks.
  • When the applicable worktime period in the labour agreement needs to be more than one week, the workshift cycle setting sets the start date of the worktime period. Worktime period's or workshift cycle's start date is visible in time reports and in the work shift planner and they are always underlined that it is easy to check the reports.

Standard work hours per day

  • The standard length of a work day in the labour agreement. If the worktime for one day is longer the overtime is marked as extratime till the regular worktime (except if the additional option "Extra time concerns only weekly extra" is activated).

Maximum standard workhours per day

  • The standard length of a work day. After the maximum amount of standard workhours overtime will be formed.

Regular worktime total in period

  • The regular worktime in one period. The length of a period depends on the setting Applicable worktime period. In a normal daytime work this means worktime in a week. Worktime over the standard amount of hours will accumulate overtime hours until the maximum amount of work hours is achieved.

Maximum work hours per period

  • The maximum amount of work hours per period. Any hours exceeding standard worktime will be paid overtime. The length of a period will depend on the setting Applicable worktime period. In a normal daytime work this means the longest regular worktime in a week.

Monthly salary divider for hourly salary

  • If the monthly salary divider for hourly salary is missing user must enter a hourly salary by himself. If the monthly salary divider for hourly salary is set Tuntinetti sets it for the user but the user can alter it.

Monthly salary divider for daily salary

  • If monthly salary divider for daily salary is missing the setting will be set for the month's standard amount of work days.

Category based monthly salary divider

  • Monthly salary divider for pay categories can be used as a deviant divider for certain pay categories. This setting is not needed in most labour agreements. 

Monthly salary divider for pay categories

  • The pay categories that the monthly salary divider will have an impact on.

Daily salary threshold days

  • Threshold that defines when a daily salary is multiplied with the paid days and when the monthly salary is deducted absent days' salary. For example the salary of a part of a month is possible to calculate by multiplying a day's salary with the paid days if there is less than 12 of them. If there is more than 12 paid days the absent days' salary is deducted from the month's salary. If this threshold is not defined the day's pay will be calculated according to the month's real amount of work days.

Standby compensation

  • Standby compensation is not work time. It is a compensation for the time the employee is on call duty. The compensation is defined in percents of the hourly salary. If the standby compensation is missing the setting will be replaced with a value of 50% of the hourly salary.

Extratime and overtime

Compensation of extra work

  • Extra work is work that is done outside regular work hours but within the legal longest maximum work hours.

Extra compensation for nightshift periods will not be paid for extra work unless they would also be paid for overtime?

  • It is possible to set the time-based extra compensations not to be paid for overtime. This setting defines if extra work is included in the regular worktime.

Daily overtime

  • Daily overtime is work done after maximum daily workhours. The compensation for overtime is for the first Z hours X% and for consecutive hours Y% of regular salary.

Weekly overtime 

  • If the labour agreement is set to work in weeks this is a weekly overtime setting. In other cases this is a period overtime setting. Weekly overtime is work done after maximum daily workhours. The compensation for overtime is for the first Z hours X% and for consecutive hours Y% of regular salary.

Overtime using the leg 2 factor

  • This setting can be used to have overtime during certain hours of the day to have a compensation using the leg 2 factor.

Rule for rounding overtime

  • In some labour agreements there are specifications that define how overtime should be rounded.

Saturday: Days specified in contract

  • Days specified in contract button opens up calendar setting window where you can define what Saturday means. There is a section about Labour agreements#Calendar settings later.

Alternative maximum standard hours for saturdays

  • With this setting you are able to define Saturdays to have a limit for standard hours. When an employee goes over this limit, daily overtime is accumulated if the daily overtime multipliers are activated. 

Overtime on saturdays

  • This setting can define an alternative overtime settings for Saturdays.
  • Overtime on Saturdays or other days specified in contract overtime is compensated differently. For the first Z hours X% and for consecutive hours Y% of regular salary.

Sunday: Days specified in contract

  • Days specified in contract button opens up calendar setting window where you can define what Sunday means. There is a section about Labour agreements#Calendar settings later.

Overtime on Sundays

  • This setting can define alternative overtime settings for Sundays.
  • Overtime on Sundays or other days specified in contract overtime is compensated differently. For the first Z hours X% and for consecutive hours Y% of regular salary.

Working days paid as weekly overtime

  • With this setting you are able to define two additional terms concerning weekly overtime: 
  1. Every work hour will be calculated as weekly overtime during the selected time period.
  2. Every work hour will be calculated as weekly overtime also during these additional days.

Time based compensations

In this section you are able to define the compensations in the labour agreement. Compensations like nightshift or other shift compensations which are based on the time of the day.

Selecting period

  • Unions publish changes to time based compensations for most industries. The most typical change is the amount of the compensation when salaries are generally increased. In this drop-down window you can select the compensations' time period (The compensations that are valid from a certain date).


  • You can enter a period in this field. 

    When you create a new period the period must have all of the compensations. It is not possible to create a new period for example to night shift compensation because it would mean that only the night shift compensation would be valid in the new period.


  • In some labour agreements the amount of compensations vary by town. In the expense column you can enter a tag for a cost class. Usually empty or for example P0 or P1.


  • The description is a text field which individualizes a time based compensation in an employee's time report. The description must be unique for each compensation in a certain period.

Compensation amount

  • The amount of compensation in euros, percents or hours depending on which compensation type is selected.

Compensation type

  • This defines the type of the compensation.
    • Compensation percentage. An increase in hourly wages in percents.
    • Compensation amount. A fixed amount of money. (Euros/hour)
    • Replaces the hourly wages. A fixed amount of money that replaces the normal hourly wages.
    • Replaces salary type (%). Replaces a normal salary type that has been increased with the given amount.
    • One-time compensation, hours times salary. A one-time compensation that is calculated  by multiplying hourly wage with the given amount of hours.

Extra pay starts

  • The starting point of the extra pay.

Extra pay ends

  • The ending point of the extra pay that can be set more closely with the Time limit setting.

During overtime

  • Here you are able to define if this compensation has an effect under certain situations like during overtime.

Payment basis

The payment basis defines when the compensation is paid. This term sets how information of the settings Extra pay starts, Extra pay ends and Time limit are used. See also Time limit instructions below

  • Normally earns compensation until the work hours reach the time limit given for the time based compensation timerange (if time limit set) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, timelimit not given: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 5h)
  • Paid for a shift starting during the given time based compensation timerange. (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, timelimit not given: shift 11-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 5h)
  • Paid for a shift ending during the given time based compensation timerange.(for ex : Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, timelimit not given: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 5h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
  • Paid for a shift starting or ending during the given time based compensation timerange. (for ex: Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, timelimit not given: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 5h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h)

Payment basises below demand a time limit to work as defined:

  • Normally according to realized work time unless the work hours during the given time based compensation timerange exceeds the time limit
  • Normally earns compensation until the work hours reach the time limit given for the time based compensation timerange
  • Normally earns compensation if the work hours exceed the minimum duration given for the time based compensation timerange
  • Normally earns compensation until the work hours exceed the time limit given
  • Activated only if shift length before compensation start time doesn't exceed the given time limit
  • Activated only if shift length before compensation start time exceeds the given time limit
  • More worked hours, when the work hours during the given time based compensation timerange reaches the time limit
  • Lump sum when the work hours during the given time based compensation timerange reaches the time limit
  • Paid for the hours exceeding the given time limit
  • Not paid for shifts exceeding the time limit, nor on overtime, otherwise normally

Time limit

Here you are able to define a compensation to have a time limit: maximum / minimum length or a certain time. 

  • Works with the given payment basis as follows:
    • Hours/ time

      • Normally earns compensation until the work hours exceed the time limit given  (hours/ time) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 3h / timelimit at 15:00: shift -13, compensation 1h, shift 13-20, compensation 2h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
      • Normally earns compensation until the work hours reach the time limit given for the time based compensation timerange (hours/ time) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 3h / timelimit at 15:00: shift -13, compensation 1h, shift 13-20, compensation 2h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h)

      • Paid for a shift starting during the given time based compensation timerange. (paid if worktime does not exceed given hourlimit / paid after given time) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 0h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h / timelimit at 15:00: shift -13, compensation 0h, shift 13-20, compensation 3h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h)
    • Usable only with hour limit
      • Normally earns compensation if the work hours exceed the minimum duration given for the time based compensation timerange (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 5h)

      • Normally according to realized work time unless the work hours during the given time based compensation timerange exceeds the time limit (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 0h)

      • Paid for a shift ending during the given time based compensation timerange. (paid if worktime does not exceed given hourlimit) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 0h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
      • Paid for a shift starting or ending during the given time based compensation timerange. (paid if worktime does not exceed given hourlimit) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 0h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h)
      • Activated only if shift length before compensation start time doesn't exceed the given time limit (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 8-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 5h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h)
      • Activated only if shift length before compensation start time exceeds the given time limit (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 8-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 0h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
      • More worked hours, when the work hours during the given time based compensation timerange reaches the time limit (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 8-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 1h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
      • Lump sum when the work hours during the given time based compensation timerange reaches the time limit (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 8-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 1h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
      • Paid for the hours exceeding the given time limit (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 8-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 2h, shift 17-20, compensation 0h)
      • Not paid for shifts exceeding the time limit, nor on overtime, otherwise normally (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit 3h: shift 8-13, compensation 0h, shift 12-17, compensation 0h, shift 17-20, compensation 1h)
    • Usable only with time limit
      • Normally earns compensation until the work hours reach the time limit given for the time based compensation timerange (if time limit set) (for ex Pay starts 12, Pay ends 18, time limit at 15:00: shift 11-13, compensation 1h, shift 12-17, compensation 3h)


  • Clicking the "Modify" button in the Valid column opens up the calendar settings where you are able to select the dates when the compensation is valid. There is a section about Labour agreements#Calendar settings later.

Additional settings

  • Clicking the Additional settings button () opens up the following additional settings:

Additional settings / The whole shift

  • Here you are able to select if the compensation is paid regarding the whole shift if the compensation's other settings allow it.

Averaged hourly salary that includes this

  • This list has the information, about which averaged hourly salary a compensation is included as an average salary accumulating salary.

Average hourly salary that defines how much compensation is paid

  • With this setting you are able to select the averaged hourly salary that defines how much compensation is paid.

Other options of a time based compensation

    • Compensation ends only after the last day of consecutive days
    • Compensation is added as work time
    • Compensation is paid up to time limit
    • Compensation not paid during sick leave
    • Compensation only paid during sick leave
    • Compensation reduces overtime even if compensation ends before overtime starts.
    • Match only circadians equivalent to compensation itself
    • Match whole work shift instead of piece

Holidays and other absences

Midweek holidays

Definition of weekday holiday

  • Clicking the Definition of weekday holiday button opens up a calendar setting window where you are able to select which days are weekday holidays according to the labour agreement. 

Add a secondary weekday Holiday

  • Clicking the Add a secondary weekday Holiday button opens up a calendar setting window, where you are able to add more days that the labour agreement considers weekday holidays.

Holiday compensation

  • Here you are able to define an obligation that needs to be done so that the weekday holiday compensation is paid.

Waiting period settings

  • With the waiting period setting you are able to define how long an employee must have been working until he or she gets a holiday compensation. When the employment has continued the defined amount the holiday compensation will be paid for the holidays that were defined in the holiday compensation setting. 

The amount of compensated hours

  • The length of a midweek holiday can be the average length of a workday from a time period of your own choosing. This concerns:
    • Normal: If the average is zero, this setting doesn't concern anyone. For the employees who work irregularly the average will be calculated according to a 12 week holiday that is defined by law.
    • Standard working hours only: The compensation concerns only the employees who work with standard hours. The employees who work irregularly won't be compensated.
    • No standard working hours, only when needed: The setting concerns only the employees who work irregularly.

Holidays are be compensated also when they occur during annual vacation.

  • With this setting you are able to select if holidays that are during annual vacation should be compensated as well.

Holidays are be compensated also when they occur during sick leave.

  • With this setting you are able to select if holidays that are during sick leave should be compensated as well.

Unpaid sick leave results in unpaid holiday

  • With this setting you are able to set an unpaid sick leave to deny a midweek holiday compensation, if it is during that unpaid sick leave.

The compensation of holidays

  • With this setting you are able to select how midweek holidays are compensated if the employee is working during that midweek holiday.
    • Are not compensated if employee works during the holiday.
    • Are compensated even if employee works during the holiday.
    • Are compensated ONLY for hours on which employee works during the holiday.
    • Are compensated except for hours on which employee works during the holiday.

Independence day will be compensated at least to the extent of the independence law

  • If the labour agreement doesn't have better terms on compensating independence day, with this setting it is possible to guarantee a compensation that is defined by law.

Minimum length of workday during holiday week

  • With this setting, you are able to define the length of a workday during a holiday week and when the setting "The midweek holidays are only compensated, if the employee has been working during the week in question." is selected.

Paid holidays reduce workweek length (and lower overtime barrier)

  • With this setting, you are able to define, if paid holidays lower overtime barrier. Usually collective labour agreement defines that paid holiday is comparable to a workday and that overtime barrier lowers the same amount.

Relaxed holiday edge requirements

  • When this setting is activated (and if midweek holiday obligations require employee to be working on a midweek holiday's eve and the next day) most permissible freetime types are disregarded while searching last and next workday.
  • For example: an employee is working during the Easter week from Tuesday to Thursday while on her maternity leave. Then if you want to compensate Good Friday the last workday is considered the Monday of the Easter week (First standard workday before the paid absence).

Holiday pay during work is grouped separately

  • When this setting is activated (and if midweek holiday hours are earned and you have been working during paid holiday) the midweek holiday hours will be visible in the time report under their own pay category.


Effect of holidays on weekly work time


  • With this settings you are able to define if midweek holidays will have an effect on the weekly work time.
    • Paid holidays reduce work time.
    • Even unpaid holidays reduce work time.
    • Holidays do not reduce work time.

Sick leave

Sick leave compensation

  • Here you are able to define when sick leave compensations are paid.
    • Not compensated.
    • Compensated according to the workday length mentioned in the employment contract.
    • Compensated primarily according to work shift list.
    • Compensated according to average weekly working hours.

Averaged worktime for sickday is calculated

  • A part-time employee's sick leave compensation is calculated using an average work day length. This setting sets the time period of which the average workday length is calculated. 
  • If the averaged worktime for sickday is no defined, then the default setting is the employment contract's worktime. If worktime is not defined in the employment contract, the sickhours will be calculated by previous 12 weeks.

From the compensation, reduce the amount of compensated sick days in the previous X months

  • If an employee has been sick within a given time period before a new sick leave, the amount of compensated days of the new sick leave will be deducted the amount of days that the employee has been compensated before.

Recurrence of sickness

  • If sickness recurs within a given time period from a certain date, both of the sick leaves will be interpreted as a single sick leave.
  • If the employee gets sick again with the same sickness within a given time period, both of the sick leaves will be interpreted as a single sick leave. Then the waiting period (if there is one) will be removed from the latter sick leave. This has also an effect on how many sick days are compensated.

Only the basic hours will be paid during sick leave (no extras) 

  • If this setting is activated extras is not paid during sick leave even if extras would have accumulated if the employee would have worked (For example nighttime extra or Sunday shift). During sick leave all circumstance extras is not paid either. If this is selected then "Holiday compensation is not paid during sick leave" selection is disabled because this selection also disables holiday compensation during sick leave.

Holiday compensation is not paid during sick leave

  • If this setting is activated holiday compensation is not paid during sick leave. This settings sets only the holiday compensation not to be paid. Nighttime or evening extras can still be set to be compensated for the sick leave in their additional settings. If "Only the basic hours will be paid during sick leave (no extras)" is selected then this selection is automatically disabled. This is because "Only the basic hours will be paid during sick leave (no extras)" selection also disables holiday compensation during sick leave.

On recurring sickness sick leave compensation is paid at least on the waiting period of the health insurance law

  • This setting defines if compensation is paid during the waiting period if a sickness recurs (Even if the sickdays are used).

If sick leave starts in the middle of a work day, the sick leave start day compensation percentage is same as on a full sick day

  • This setting defines when an employee's sick leave starts in the middle of a work day, if the sick leave start day compensation percentage is same as on a full sick day.

KVTES-type sick leave compensation calculation

  • If this setting is activated, sick leave compensation will be calculated in the same way as in the municipal general collective labour agreement (KVTES).
  • According to KVTES every sickness during a single year will be added together even though they aren't because of the same reason. Subsequent sick leave days will reset when the calendar year changes. The compensation periods concerning the same type of sickness will be paid in order from first to last in such order that the employment length term is fulfilled.

Work time reductions

Work time reduction milestone

  • Here you can define how work time reductions will accumulate to an employee. How much work time reduction will be accumulated can be defined in the section "Accumulation of worktime reductions".
    • Absences during quarter or month (under x days)
    • Actual work days exceed x% of the standard work days of a month or a quarter
    • Exceeding regular weekly workhours
    • Full vacation earning months
    • Holidays
    • Hours worked or equivalent
    • Percent based work time reduction compensation
    • The whole accumulation at the start of the year
    • Work days or equivalent


Work time reduction additional options

  • Additional options that have an effect in the accumulation of work time reduction:
    • Also defines unpaid worktime reduction rules.
    • Also employees doing part time or non standard working hours get work time reduction based on the worked hours.
    • Count also holiday hours towards worktime reduction.
    • Health insurance waiting period accumulates.
    • July does not accumulate. 
    • Less than set hours do not accumulate for full vacation earning months.
    • Sick leave does not accumulate.


Workday's length for worktime reduction

  • With this setting you are able to set the length of the workdays that are included in the calculation of work time reduction.
  • The setting is only active when in the "Work time reduction milestone" section the "Actual work days exceed x% of the standard work days of a month or a quarter" setting is selected.

Amount of actual work days during the period compared to standard workdays must exceed

  • This setting is only related to the rule "Actual work days exceed x% of the standard work days of a month or a quarter". Here you are able to set how many percents of a month or a quarter an employee should be working so that work time reduction is accumulated.

Not equivalent to work time with respect to earning vacation

  • When in the work time reduction milestone section the setting Full vacation earning months is selected, the vacation types selected here are not handled as work.

Custom day limit for "14 day rule"

  • When in the work time reduction milestone section the setting Full vacation earning months is selected, you are able to set here the amount of workdays an employee should have to earn full vacation days. If the setting is zero, the default setting is 14 days which is set according to the annual vacation law.

Accumulation of worktime reductions

  • Here you are able to define how much worktime reduction is accumulated. Employment contracts that have over 37,5 h of weekly work have usually a section that defines the accumulation of work time reduction.
  • Here are a couple of examples how you can write down accumulation of worktime reductions:
    • In the plastic industry's collective labour agreement: At least 17 workdays, 1 day off, at least 35 workdays, 2 days off ... and so on.
      • To Tuntinetti: 17pv=8h;35pv=8h;53pv=8h;71pv=8h;88pv=8h;105pv=8h;121pv=8h;138pv=8h;155pv=8h;172pv=8h;189pv=8h;205pv=12h;
    • In the transport industry's collective labour agreement: At least 94h, reduction 8h; at least188h, 16h reduction; at least 283h, 24h reduction; and so on.
      • To Tuntinetti: 94h=8h;188h=8h;283h=8h;377h=8h;471h=8h;565h=8h;660h=8h;754h=8h;848h=8h;942h=8h;1036h=8h;1131h=8h;1225h=8h;1319h=8h;1413h=8h;1508h=8h;1602h=8h;1696h=8h;

Alternate work reduction milestones

  • Here you are able to have an alternative way of calculating work reduction if the labour agreement has a different calculation method for different years (Like before).
  • If the collective labour agreement defines the work time reduction in years, you can enter the alternative milestone here.

Percent based worktime reduction compensation

  • This setting can be activated if the section Work time reduction milestone has the Percent based work time reduction compensation setting activated.
  • With the percent based worktime reduction compensation you are able to replace the difference of worktime between labour agreement and worktimelaws. Percent based worktime reduction compensation is defined as percents of the averaged hourly salary.

Other than standard overtime categories counted towards percent based worktime reduction

  • Here you are able to select the worktime categories that will be taken into account when calculating the percent based worktime reduction compensation in addition to standard worktime.

Calendar settings


  • Weekdays (Monday-Saturday) that the setting applies to.
    • For example if you choose every day Monday-Friday, you are able to define the normal midweek holidays. By choosing only Saturday, you are able to make a setting that only applies to Saturdays.


  • Select the months that you want the setting to apply to.

Select if valid only during listed vacation days

  • If any vacation days are not selected, this setting doesn't depend on vacation days. The available options:
    • Annual leave
    • Day off (VP or X)
    • Day off for employees without paid vacation
    • Flextime
    • Holiday worktime reduction
    • Lay-off
    • Leave of absence
    • Maternal leave paid
    • Maternal leave unpaid
    • Military refresher
    • Other unpaid absence
    • Overtime leave
    • Paid absence
    • Paid social absence
    • Parental leave
    • Part time pension
    • Paternal leave paid
    • Paternal leave unpaid
    • Paternal month unpaid
    • Percent based worktime reduction compensation
    • Postponed leave
    • Salary or bonus converted to leave
    • Scheduled free day
    • Study leave
    • Unpaid absence
    • Unpaid worktime reduction vacation
    • Vacation compensation leave
    • Weekly rest (VL or V)
    • Work place steward's work time compensation
    • Work safety work time compensation
    • Work time reduction leave


  • The days that the setting applies to. The available options:
  • Valid only on given weekdays preceding holidays or Sundays. (See selected holidays)
  • Valid on given weekdays; named holidays are allowed.
  • Valid on given weekdays when it is one of the listed holidays.
  • Valid on given weekdays when it is a Sunday or another listed holiday.
  • Valid only on given days preceding the chosen holidays.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the selected holiday eves are also allowed.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the eves of selected holidays (and Sundays) are also allowed.
  • Valid only on given weekdays after a given holiday or a weekday (non holiday) after a Sunday.
  • Valid on given weekdays; when one of the given holidays is on the same week but not on the same day.
  • Valid on given weekdays; a weekday after a given holiday or a weekday after a Sunday also allowed.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the selected holidays and their eves are allowed.
  • Valid on days following the given holidays.
  • Valid only on given weekdays preceeding holidays or sundays (see any holiday)
  • Holiday week Saturdays.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the selected holidays and their eves or following days are allowed.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the selected holiday work week eves are allowed (see selected holidays)
  • Valid only on given weekdays after a given holiday or a weekday after a Sunday (non holiday, not eve).
  • Valid on selected holidays, or Monday or Friday if the holiday is at the weekend.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the eves of selected holidays (and Sundays) are also allowed if not immediately after holiday.
  • Valid on given weekdays when eve of one of the given holidays (and sunday) lands on given weekdays.
  • Valid on given weekdays; the days following selected holidays are allowed

Other options

A contract period with this labour agreement is by default non standard time

  • When this setting is active, employee's default worktime type is non standard.

All Sunday or holiday hours are considered overtime hours

  • With this setting it is possible to define Sunday and holiday hours to be calculated as overtime hours.

All weekend hours are counted as overtime hours

  • With this setting it is possible to set all weekend hour to be calculated as overtime hours.

All weekly overtime hours on the first day of week are paid using the leg 2 factor

  • On the first day of the week the weekly overwork can be paid using the leg 2 factor.

Average hourly salary for monthly salary employee is calculated using fixed divider

Daily salary is calculated by dividing monthly salary with month's weekends

Extra time concerns only weekly extra

  • With this setting it is possible to set extra time concern only weekly extra, not daily extra.

Flex compensation hours are compensated as guaranteed work time

  • When worktime is below the employment contract's hours in a two-week-period because of the employer, the employee will be compensated a guaranteed work time salary.

Flextime lowers overtime barrier

  • In certain type of shift work flextime lowers overtime barrier.

Holiday hours during weekend won't accumulate flex vacation

Leg 1 daily overtime qualifying period is shortened after a full day hours regardless working hours

  • With this setting you are able to define the period that entitles using leg 1 factor to be spent after a full day of work (regardless if you're working or not).

Length of one paid vacation day equals one sixth of the length of a normal work week

  • Length of one paid vacation day equals one sixth of the length of a normal work week.

Lost weekly rest time is compensated even if employee has been on sick leave during the week.

  • Usually sick leave means that rest time has been gained that week. With this setting it is possible to select that sick leave doesn't give rest time.

Monthly salaries partial salary is calculated by dividing monthly salary by months regular hours

On week independece day is included when counting the normal workdays of a month

Overtime only if exceeds planned

Paid vacation spending skips saturdays

  • Saturdays don't use annual paid vacation days (Monday-Friday is considered a full week).

Saturday overtime settings concern only daily overtime

  • Suits for labour agreements in which daily overtime during Saturdays is always compensated 100%, weekly overtime during Saturdays in some cases 50% and in some cases 100%.

Special limitation: On Christmas day, Good friday and Easter monday (but not on other holidays) holiday hours are compensated also if employee worked that day.

  • On Christmas day, Good Friday and Easter Monday (but not on other holidays) holiday hours are compensated also if employee worked that day.

The worktime compensation leave is a paid leave

  • If this setting is selected, worktime compensation leave is a paid leave and it can be accessed through the booking view.

This labour agreement is not available for new contracts or projects

  • This labour agreement is not available for new contracts or projects. This doesn't affect contracts or projects that has this labour agreement selected. This labour agreement will also still be visible in the Labour agreements -page.

Travel time compensates flex time up to standard hours

  • If an employee has been travelling during worktime, the travelling time is not included in the worktime, but the standard amount of work hours is not increased because of this.

Weekly extra hours are determined by multiplying daily extra hours

  • In some labour agreements the limit for overtime is  the same 38,25h as the weekly worktime 38,25h. But then extra work is defined by day 7,5h and 7,65h difference and week can have no more than five times this difference amount of extra work.

Weekly overtime comes as extra up to maximum standard hours (holiday weeks)

  • Usually when midweek holiday lowers overtime barrier, overtime that generates because of this will be considered as standard overtime. With this setting it is possible to define overtime that is because of a midweek holiday to be considered as period extra work.

Weekly overtime not paid on holidays during workday holiday weeks

  • Weekly overtime not paid on holidays during workday holiday weeks.

Weekly rest time can not continue after the week changes

  • With this setting it is possible to prevent the continuation of rest time after the week changes.

Manual work time compensation types

Manual work time compensations are compensations that an employee can set for himself or herself concerning a certain time. Manual work time compensation is typically used in bookings such as alert work.

The employee records the hours and the manual work time compensation, determining the pay type based on the specification rather than counting the hours as part of the regular working hours.


  • The name of the manual work time compensation.


  • By clicking the Modify button you can access the options of the manual work time compensation. The modify-window is pretty much the same as the modify-window of time based compensations.

Alternatively, alert allowances and standby payments can be recorded in Tuntinetti as expense categories.

The most significant difference between recording as an expense category or a work time detail lies in the fact that a collective agreement-based work time detail is activated universally wherever that particular collective agreement is in use. In contrast, expense categories can be easily selected on a per-project basis. Additionally, expense categories are slightly more straightforward and user-friendly for the employee to record in their time entry.

Average hourly salary settings

Keskituntiansioasetukset-kohta on nykyisessä Tuntinetin versiossa ns. infotieto järjestelmään sisäänrakennetuista kta-asetuksista. Kta-laskentasääntöjä ei voi käyttöliittymän kautta muuttaa.

Average hourly salary setting

  • The name of the average hourly salary setting

Constant salary categories

  • A list of the salary categories which are paid according to the calculation method mentioned in the row.


There are also average hourly salary setting related information in the time based compensations. For example which compensations accumulate average hourly salary.

Rest time settings and work time ergonomics

Minimum weekly rest time (per calendar week)

  • According to the work time laws, an employee has a right to have a 35 consecutive hours of rest every week. Weekly freetime can be arranged to be averagely 35 hours in a 14 day time period (but so that the employee has minimum of 24h freetime per week).

Day of week for calculating lost weekly rest time

  • According to the work time laws "The compensation for losing weekly free time needs to be given from hours that are during the free time". Automatic weekly restday selection searches the week's longest rest period and the smallest loss of freetime and calculates the compensation amount based on that information.
  • Doing this kind of analysis manually is difficult and that is why some labour agreements calculate the compensation of lost weekly rest (when the weekly rest aim is not met) from a certain weekday's rest time. Automatic calculation can profit the employer a bit but a solid weekday selection is more understandable.

Lost weekly rest = work hours of selected day

  • Doing this kind of analysis manually is difficult and that is why some labour agreements calculate the compensation of lost weekly rest (when the weekly rest aim is not met) from a certain weekday's rest time. Automatic calculation can profit the employer a bit but a solid weekday selection is more understandable.

An example of calculating a weekly rest compensation:

Let's assume that Pekka works for a week:

Monday 11:00-13:00

Tuesday 7:30-13:00

Wednesday 7:30-13:00

Thursday 7:30-13:00

Friday 7:30-13:00

Saturday 01:00-06:00

Sunday 15:00-24:00

In Tuntinetti the labour agreement concerning Pekka says that lost weekly rest is defined by Sunday. Minimum weekly rest time (per calendar week) setting is set to a value of 35h.

If it is defined that Lost weekly rest = work hours of selected day the compensation is calculated according to nine hours of work on Sunday. If this setting is off, Tuntinetti calculates from Saturday to Sunday a consecutive freetime which is 18h + 15h = 33h. Then the compensation is paid for two hours (35h-33h).

Minimum rest time between workshifts

  • The minimum rest time between workshifts. Usually means two consecutive workdays.

Maximum standard working hours per week in period work

  • In period work the amount of worktime is defined by worktime period, and worktime can differ between weeks of the same worktime period. Though worktime shouldn't go over the amount that is defined here. 

Shifts shorter than this should be avoided

  • With this setting you are able to define the minimum length of shifts that should be avoided. The setting has an effect on the warnings that are shown to the supervisor.

Maximum standard workhours per nightshift

  • The longest possible work shift that is a nightshift. A shift longer than this will result in a warning that is shown in time management.

The definition of a nightshift: Nightshift at least Z hours during yy - xx

  • A shift is counted as a nightshift if a certain amount of hours are during a certain time range. For example night time can be defined to start at 23 and end at 6. It can be defined that a shift that has three hours of work in that time range i counted as a nightshift.

Maximum amount of consecutive nightshifts

  • Defines the maximum amount of consecutive nightshifts. The setting has an effect on the warnings that are shown in time management.