General & How To

  1. How do I get started?

    Start with the free trial. No installations or sign-up required.

    Follow the step-by-step guided tour within the trial.

    In addition to watching a video tutorial, you will also be able to read/print an overview of the tour as text during trial, if necessary.

    Our 24/7 helpdesk is available to you throughout the trial assiting you via chat or email in any additional questions you might have.

  2. How do I find help when I need it?

    In addition to the step-by-step tutorials, our 24/7 helpdesk is available to assist you via chat or email in any additional questions you might have. You can contact our helpdesk through the link at the bottom right corner of all our web pages.

  3. How does Tuntinetti work with our company's current workflow and processes?

    Tuntinetti will align with your company's core procedures:

    - Employees are reminded to save their hours on time,

    - employees' supervisors are reminded to review and approve their subjects reports after the end of custom reporting periods,

    -finally supervisors responsible for payroll and invoicing take care of salaries and billing. Each step can be delegated to your personnel and supervisors based on their expertise, responsibility, and organizational area.

  4. How safe and secure are my data files in the hands of your service? Are there backups? Is it guaranteed?

    We take all industry measures to protect data and network traffic. As nothing is absolutely secure in the world wide web, we use techniques such as HTTPS/SSL data encryption to make data transfers as secure as possible. All data is stored into secure cloud with daily backups, copied onto multiple, geographically distributed servers to ensure that there is always at least one backup of your data.

  5. How much experience does Tuntinetti have? Are you reputable?

    Since 2002 we have been in the business of creating great software that streamlines businesses. Tuntinetti was first created 2008 in Scandinavia by experienced staffing experts who got frustrated by inefficient time and resource management in their own work. Finland, Scandinavia, due to its rigorous labor laws and hundreds of collective bargaining labour agreements (CBA), was an especially challenging environment to develop an integrated software solution. Regardless of all the challenges, Tuntinetti was successful and now has more than 10,000 happy daily users worldwide. So, yes, we are reputable. Please have a look at our company page for full story and read some of our customer testimonials.

  6. Mitkä ovat Tuntinetin kanssa kilpailevia tuotteita?

    Tuntinetin kanssa olette hyvässä seurassa. Kanssamme kilpailevia tuotteita ovat mm.

    - Procomp Aikajana Työvoimanhallinta
    - Visma Nova palkanlaskenta
    - Oscar Työajanseuranta
    - Isolta Palkanmaksu
    - Visma Megaflex
    - Visma Payroll
    - Visma Tiima
    - CGI Titania
    - Intelliplan
    - Planier
    - Quinyx
    - Kiho

    Tuntinetti erottuu kilpailijoistaan asiantuntevalla helposti tavoitettavalla asiakaspalvelulla sekä joustavalla asiakasyrityksen tarpeisin mukautuvalla kokonaisratkaisulla. Maksatte vain ominaisuuksista joita yrityksenne kullakin hetkellä tarvitsee ja voitte laajentaa tai supistaa palveluvalikoimaa toimialanne suhdanne- tai sesonkivaihteluiden mukaan.

    Kokeilemalla Tuntinettiä tiedät vastaammeko parhaiten yrityksenne yksilöllisiin tarpeisiin. Asiakastukemme palvelee sinua sähäköpostitse, puhelimitse ja chatissa arkisin klo 9-16. Olemme aina aidosti kiinnostuneita auttamaan sinua.

Price & Savings

  1. How much does the service cost?

    The Tuntinetti standard price is 8 € /month per active user account and a handling fee of 10 € plus VAT valid at the time of order will be charged with each prepaid balance deposit. In addition to the standard features, you can activate one or more of the features we recommend for your business based on the Preliminary Questionnaire. The more features you use the higher both the service price but also the higher your savings. Please refer to our Price and Savings Calculator for details.

  2. How much does an average customer save?

    Tuntinetti customers save on average 30 € monthly per employee, or 360 € annually per employee.

    For example, if your company has 50 employees, the annual savings would be 18 000 € .

    Please refer to our Price and Savings Calculator for details.

  3. How do I pay for the service?

    Tuntinetti service is provided based on Prepaid service fees which you can refill using your preferred payment method. When your prepaid balance is used up, your account is put on hold. Your account information remains accessible for you in our system in case you wish to resume later.

  4. How do I cancel my account?

    When your prepaid balance is used up, your account is put on hold. Your account information remains accessible for you in our system in case you wish to resume later.

    If you wish to have your account deleted permanently, please notify our 24/7 helpdesk via chat or e-mail.

    If you have unused pre-paid balance you wish to be returned, please notify our 24/7 helpdesk. A handling fee of 25 € per return plus 15% of the total remaining balance is deducted from the total refund. Handling fees are not returned.

Tuntinetti Features

  1. How do I know which features do I need?

    Tuntinetti will automatically suggest you a set of recommended features based on your answers to the Preliminary Questionnaire. You can change the optional features according to your company's needs at any time, even while using the software. Within Tuntinetti you can also see statistics how much you have used each feature. Whenever you need, contact our 24/7 helpdesk for further assitance.

  2. Why are some of the features already checked in the Price and Savings Calculator?

    Tuntinetti has both Standard and Optional Features.

    - Standard Features are included in each configuration by default and are not optional and thus can not be changed.

    - Optional Features have been pre-selected for your business based on your Preliminary Questionnaire answers. Feel free to activate or deactivate the optional features according to your company's needs at any time.

  3. Can I request a free demo?

    You can instantly try a free live demo by filling in the Preliminary Questionnaire form. If you later decide you want a personally guided tour, you can request one from the Personally Guided Demo Request Form.


  1. How are my employees paid?

    Salary payment depends on how your payroll is processed:

    - If you choose to use Tuntinetti to collect data and then electronically transfer work time and compensations to your current payroll solution (or outsourced payroll provider), there will be no changes to your employees current payment arrangements.

    - If you choose to process payroll using Tuntinetti's one-click payroll, employees salaries shall be paid using SEPA transfer orders issued from Tuntinetti.

  2. When do I have to do my payroll to ensure my employees get paid?

    This depends on the size of your company. For example, all payroll and billing for company with 100 employees can be done in 2 hours by an experienced supervisor. You should also consult your current payment processor what deadline to give for delivering salaries for a specific due date.

  3. How do employees get their payslips/paystubs?

    Payslip/paystub delivery depends on how your payroll is processed:

    - If you choose to use Tuntinetti to collect data and then electronically transfer work time and compensations to your current payroll solution (or outsourced payroll provider), there will be no changes to your employees current payslip/paystub delivery arrangements.

    - If you (or your outsourced payroll provider) choose to process payroll using Tuntinetti’s one-click payroll, you can email them or choose to opt for the delivery functionality where you can choose either web or regular mail delivery via iPost. iPost delivery requires a separate service agreement with OpusCapita Ltd.

  4. How are my payroll taxes paid?

    Taxes are regulated by legislation in your country and paid according to directions provided by officials. If you use Tuntinetti's one-click payroll it shall provide payroll tax calculations along with monthly and annual reports/statements for officials - actual tax payments however, are made to tax officials according to standard guidelines.

  5. Is it possible to prepare annual tax statements in Tuntinetti?

    If you use Tuntinetti's one-click payroll it shall provide payroll tax calculations along with monthly and annual reports/statements for officials.

  6. Should I wait until January 1st to change payroll services?

    No. You can change your payroll services at any time during the year. For fiscal end-of-year reporting, you will need to provide officials with tax reports/statements generated from both your old system and Tuntinetti. Tax office can add them up for the total sum of the year. When work time data history is needed, previous time and attendance data can be imported from Excel files into Tuntinetti.


  1. Is it possible to use Tuntinetti for reporting different types of earnings and deductions?

    In Tuntinetti you can create your own custom types of compensations, earnings, and deductions.

  2. What types of reports will I be able to run?

    Tuntinetti generates a wide range of reports, for example:

    - Employee perspective: Worked hours and compensations for payroll, per employee or grouped by organizational units.

    - Project perspective: Worked hours and compensations for billing, per employee or grouped by project or organizational units.

    - Customer perspective: Hours worked and compensations for billing, per employee, per project, grouped by customer, project, or organizational units.

    - Sickleave statistics.

    - Absence balance reports.

    - List of employees, list of employee contracts, list of employee skills, list of projects, list of customers, customer data, etc.

  3. Does Tuntinetti prepare my records of employment (ROE, Canada)?

    You will continue using your payroll software to do electronic ROE reporting as usual. Note: In usability test version the features are not restricted by country. In actual version features such as one-click payroll might not yet be available in some countries (for example Canada).


  1. Millainen palvelutaso (Service Level Agreement, SLA-perustaso) Tuntinetti palveluun sisältyy?
    Palveluaika (P1) asiakastukiNormaali työaika, klo 8:00 – 16:00 arkisin
    Käytettävyys (K0)Best effort: huoltokatkot pyritään ajoittamaan aamuyöhön max 15min kerrallaan
    Tavoitettavuus (T1) asiakastukiPuhelut 80% alle 2min, sähköpostit 80% alle 4h (palveluaika P1)
    Reagointiaika (V1) asiakastuki4h-48h arkisin kiireellisyyden mukaan
    Ratkaisukyky (R2) asiakastuki70% tukitapauksista ratkeaa pyynnön vastaanottaneella tukitasolla
    Ratkaisuaika (V2) asiakastukialkaen 24h arkisin kiireellisyyden mukaan

    Palvelutasojen laajentamisesta voidaan sopia erikseen erillisestä tarjouspyynnöstä.

  2. Miten Tuntinetin tietoturvasta on huolehdittu?

    Selaimen HTTPS-yhteys on suojattu pankkienkin suosimalla SSL-salauksella ja katastrofien varalta Tuntinettiin tallennetun tiedon varmuuskopiot on hajautettu maantieteellisesti. Tuntinetti käyttää varmennettuja Suomessa sijaitsevia palvelintiloja ja samaan toimittajaan kanssamme luottavat mm. Tellabs, YLE, Eduskunta, Helsingin kaupunki, Helsingin yliopisto sekä ClassicFM.

    Gigabit Ethernet -tekniikalla toteutettu runkoverkko kolmen toisistaan riippumattoman operaattorin kautta pyrkii tarjoamaan ruuhkattoman ja toimintavarman verkkoyhteyden kaikissa olosuhteissa. Palvelintilat on varustettu elektronisin kulunvalvonta- ja hälytysjärjestelmin ja ne täyttävät Viestintäviraston vaatimukset A-luokan laitetiloille (Viestintävirasto 48 A/2003, "Tärkeät tilat"). Pääsy palvelintilaan on rajattu vain turvallisuusluokkaan A kuuluville ylläpitäjille.